The Isaly Family!
Montana House District-58
Jamie & Traci
With Ryan Busse-We speak the same Language!
Helping Out at Loaves and Fishes
Participatiing in PCDCC Highway Clean-up
Jamie meeting with Basecamp
Jamie meeting with Basecamp
Jamie meeting with Basecamp
Helping fill sandbags
Jamie at the Big Timber Rodeo during Sweet Grass Days
Jamie at the Big Timber Rodeo during Sweet Grass Days
Jamie at a fundraiser event hosted by Mary and Al Agnew
Jamie talking to his constituents!
Jamie talking to Michael McCormick at a meet and greet fundraiser
Jerry Iverson, Big Timber resident - Art Opening at Willow Creek
Tim Weyer with Yellowstone Coffee Roasters and Jamie talking about the importance of good soil
Tim Weyer with Yellowstone Coffee Roasters and Jamie, placing the red wigglers in the composting buckets
Tim and Jamie, covering the red wigglers for good composting action!
Tim and Jamie talking regenerative soil and worm farming